3 Mental Snacks to Fuel Productivity
Apr 28, 2024
Salespersons who work in a positive culture sell 56% more than their negative peers.
Leaders who intentionally create a positive work culture see productivity increase by more than one-third.
Owners who deliver a positive work culture see their operating income grow 19% and gross revenue accelerate 28% annually.
Want similar results?
I bet you’re wondering, “But how, Dr. Joey? And where do I start?”
A great way to start is to feed your mind these 3 positive, 10-minute meals daily:
Positive Breakfast
Breakfast is your body’s most important meal of the day because it sets your metabolism.
Your mental breakfast is equally important as it establishes your attitude for the day.
Take 10 minutes each morning and:
- Read something positive or listen to positive music. Since you see what you’re looking for, you literally set your mental lens for positivity with this simple activity.
- Visualize your appointments for the day with positive outcomes. See the agreement signed. The challenge conquered. The solution discovered. (5 minutes)
Positive Lunch
Too often your mid-day break is consumed by a meeting, most of which are unnecessary.
Your mind misses its’ positive mid-day nutrition which gives you a quick recovery from the morning’s negative assault.
Take 10 minutes each mid-day, get out of your work space, and:
- Walk, preferably outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine do wonders for your mental attitude. If weather prohibits, walk indoors. Exercise activates your brain’s mood elevators. D.O.S.E. your brain with Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins.
- Call a positive friend whom you haven’t spoken to in a while. Relive some good times. Laugh at old jokes. Recall the warm feelings from that time and space.
Positive Supper
Before you shut it down for the day, take 10 minutes and do 2 things:
- Give 5 minutes to a quick task and complete it. Write an email. Clean off your desk. Finish a spreadsheet. Your positive reinforcement comes from the completion of the task. The confidence you gain welcomes you the next morning.
- Take 5 more minutes and celebrate something positive that you experienced that day. Yes, some days require more thought to dig up the positive. If it seems that negative, be grateful you still have a job with a company whose payroll clears the bank! There’s always something positive, if you’re looking for it.
Start to create a positive work culture as you feed your mind these 3 positive, 10-minute meals daily!
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