3 Signs You’re Positively Engaged at Work
Nov 10, 2024
“How do you know you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing for work?” the college student asked me.
A middle-aged guy and I had the same discussion recently as he transitions careers.
The answer lies in your gut; what you “Believe” about your work, the third core practice of a Work Positive culture.
What emotionally engages you about your work?
What are you looking for from work?
These conversations prompted my own looking for and discovery of 3 Signs You’re Positively Engaged at Work:
You Look Forward
When you are positively engaged at work, you look forward to the morning.
Now you might think, “Dr. Joey, I’m not a morning person.” All the more reason that this sign means you’re positively engaged at work.
You get out of bed with a certain sense of anticipation—“I wonder what will happen today?”
You avoid that internal conversation of “Come on now. You gotta go to work. You’ve got bills to pay. Let’s go!”
You look forward to the morning with curiosity and expectation for what positive experiences you’ll have.
You greet the day with “Good morning!” rather than “Good grief, it’s morning!”
You Look Up
The next sign you’re positively engaged at work is when you regularly look up and the day is about done. Suddenly the clock reads, 2:16PM, and you think, “Really? I’ve worked 5 hours? Seems more like 2…”
Of course the rate at which time flies or crawls is totally determined by your perception.
Lack engagement? Five o’clock takes forever to arrive. You’re like a kid waiting for Christmas, convinced it’s not coming this year. You’re packed up, desk clean, and ready to go by 4:30.
Positively engaged? You look up and suddenly the day is almost done.
You’re in The Flow, that sweet spot of productivity and purpose that rewards you with that satisfying sense of “I get paid to do this?” You fulfill your unique contribution to make in the world, that sense of calling that far exceeds any kind of job description.
You look up and are amazed by how quickly the day passes.
You Look Around
The third sign you’re positively engaged at work is when you look around at the team you’re with…and smile.
You know John is positively engaged with his work, also, because he smiles back. You think about his Dad who is ill and you remind yourself to ask next time you talk.
You know Amy is positively engaged with her work, too, because she smiles back even though she’s tired of being pregnant and yet she’s in the office to help the team finish a big project on schedule.
When you look around at the team with a smile, with fondness and empathy in your heart, with knowledge in mind of their life situations, and with gratitude within for the privilege of working with these folks, you are positively engaged with your work.
Emotionally engage with your work and believe as you:
- look forward
- look up, and;
- look around.
Create a Work Positive Culture as you lead your team to look!
What’s your question about how to create a positive work culture? Ask Dr. Joey here.
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