3 Strategies for a Successful 4th Quarter
Sep 24, 2023
Heard anybody say lately, “Where did 2023 go?”
Maybe you said it.
Yes, the final quarter of 2023 starts next week.
The question behind the question is, “How do we have a successful 4th quarter?”
Here are 3 Strategies for a Successful 4th Quarter so you connect people, productivity, and profits.
Reflect on Reality
A primary leadership function, according to Max Dupree, is to define reality. Your first strategy is to ask, “Where are we in 2023 with relationship to our goals?”
Do more than look at bottom-line numbers. Ask yourself and your team:
“What’s positively worked well?
“How can we do more of what worked well?
“Who did it really well?”
These questions focus on the best achievements of the previous three quarters.
Next, ask:
“What can we improve?
“How can we do it better?
“Who will do it?”
These questions focus on growth strategies.
The answers to each set of questions define your current reality, the essential starting point for a strong finish to 2023.
Redefine Reality
With your 2023 reality defined, move to redefining it.
Ask yourself, “Where do we want to be?”
The mental pull of the familiar is magnetically attached to your current practices. The way you’ve done it in the first three quarters is your default regardless of how you evaluate results. Your inclination is to keep doing what you’ve done even if it didn’t work so well.
Fill up with the jet fuel of imagination to redefine reality. Focus on where you want to be.
Ask, “How can we build better on what’s working well?”
Your answer stairsteps success. You free yourself from the mental prison of how you’ve always done it so you can do more and better.
Reinvigorate Reality
With your reality defined—“Where are we?”—and redefined—“Where do we want to be?”—the final strategic question to ask is, “How do we get from where we are to where we want to be by year’s end?”
This is your growth edge for a successful fourth quarter. You must discover a new action that defies the pull of the familiar and casts you out onto the seas of opportunity, sails trimmed toward your destination.
Identify and target positive course changes. Endure the incumbent mutiny from your team as you enact a new development trajectory.
Dedicate time, energy, and attention to at least one big idea sail adjustment so you connect people, productivity, and profits. Implement three SMART action steps with defined mile markers at October 31, November 30, and December 31.
So where did 2023 go? Where all years go…one day at a time.
There are three strategies to your successful 4th quarter:
- Reflect on your reality.
- Redefine your reality.
- Reinvigorate your reality.
Create your Work Positive culture today and finish 2023 well!
The final quarter of 2023 starts next week. How will you improve results? Implement these 3 Strategies for a Successful 4th Quarter from Dr. Joey Faucette, Executive Coach, best-selling author, and Positive Culture Architect.
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