5 Strategies to Work Positive after Labor Day

#culturecounts #engagement #humanresources #laborday #positiveworkculture #shrm #work positive #workerdissatisfaction Sep 01, 2024

Ever wonder why we celebrate work by taking a day off?

I do.

Do we celebrate National Ice Cream Day by not eating ice cream?

Do we celebrate National Sibling Day by taking all of our sibling pictures off of Instagram or Facebook?

Then why don’t we work a double shift to celebrate Labor Day?

Anyway, you take off Labor Day. Then you go back to work on Tuesday which seems like Monday.

But, are you really at work?

Perhaps physically, and yet what about the rest of you?

How engaged are you and your co-workers?

Worker surveys report up to 85% of us are disengaged on the job.

Quiet quitting anyone?

So how do you get back to work, like really back to work? Engaged. Productive. Happy to be there?

Here are 5 Strategies to Work Positive after Labor Day:

Perceive the Positive

Work culture is not the way it used to be, and probably never was, to paraphrase Will Rogers.

Or, maybe it is and the way it was lacked a great deal of qualities that engage us.

For this week, change your mind. Find one positive aspect of your work. Focus on it every morning.

For instance, what’s one task you really enjoy doing? And you’d do for free? (Don’t tell them, right?)

Some days it seems like Murphy’s Law rules. Or, O’Toole’s Law kicks in: “Murphy was an optimist.”

Discover one positive factor in play at work. Focus on it.

Change your mind. Perceive the Positive.

Conceive the Positive

Every work culture has negative people. Call them customers, clients, employees, or bosses.

Or, call them Eeyore Vampires.

Nothing ever works for them. They suck you dry of every bit of time, energy, and attention you’ll give.

Avoid them.

Like they have the plague.

Because they do.

They infect your engagement and productivity with negativity if you let them.

Run from them to the other side of the culture. Find Work Positive people who listen, are humble, seek mutual benefit, are accountable and work the Golden Rule.

Change your people. Conceive the positive.

Believe the Positive

Ever find yourself so mired down in the minutia of the mundane that you neglect to look up and see why you work? 

Imagination is the jet fuel of your rapid growth professionally and personally. Do you engage your heart with this high-octane propellant?

Take a few minutes weekly to ask yourself, “Why am I working?” and meditate on the answer.

Engage your imagination at work.

Change your perspective. Focus on your why. Believe the positive.

Achieve the Positive

Your work culture has a GPS that leads you to the pot of gold at the end of your rainbow of growing people and profits. 

You simply “recalculate” often to hear, “You have arrived.”

Your customers help you recalculate as you listen to their problems and help solve them.

Your team members recalculate with you with “lessons learned” from mistakes.

Remember: failure is an experience, not a person.

Make a U-Turn when legal and change your current direction. Drive your work culture toward increased productivity and profits. Achieve the positive.

Receive the Positive

The two most powerful words in any language that transform current assets into a better work culture are “Thank You.”

Describe team members’ positive behavior specifically.

Deliver gratitude to your community for their help in keeping the lights on.

Do both old-school when you handwrite a thank you note. The pen is mightier than the sword…and the email or text message whose pixels are ubiquitous.

Change your service quotient. Say “Thank you” more than you ever have. Receive the positive.

Implement these 5 Strategies today to Work Positive after Labor Day!

  • Change your mind. Perceive the Positive.
  • Change your people. Conceive the positive.
  • Change your perspective. Focus on your why. Believe the positive.
  • Change your current direction. Achieve the positive.
  • Change your service quotient. Receive the positive.

What’s your question about how to create a positive work culture? Ask Dr. Joey here.

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