Is Every Day Halloween in Your Work Culture?
Oct 13, 2024
The dark shadows start on Sunday night as you try to close your eyes and settle your mind to sleep. They call them the “Sunday Night Scaries.”
Your pulse rate increases. Your brain squirts more stress-induced cortisol. Your stomach pumps more acid.
You understand how “less is more” as you turn from one side to the other, in search of the cool side of your pillow. Instead of counting sheep, you’re counting Eeyore Vampires.
Eeyore Vampires?
Yes, Eeyore Vampires, those negative people with whom you work, invade your brain space, fly around with their racing thoughts of “the end is here,” and the dark shadows take over.
I refer to negative people as “Eeyore Vampires” because just like Winnie the Pooh’s friend, Eeyore, negative people respond to most everything with “It’ll never work.” You don’t have to ask them. They volunteer the worst possible outcomes on every Zoom call, every team meeting, and every coffee conversation.
They are “Vampires” because these negative people morph at sunset into creatures who fly around your brain and suck time, energy, and attention away from enjoying your family and friends. Not to mention keeping you up all night!
Every day is Halloween in your work culture.
So how do you deal with Eeyore Vampires at work?
Here are three no-trick, treat-only tactics you can hand out today to cope with negative people without becoming one yourself:
Redirect like Jekyll and Hyde
Do you remember the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? The abrupt personality changes were stark. That’s the way you redirect Eeyore Vampires. You Jekyll-and-Hyde their conversation. Redirect the subject of a conversation abruptly to a completely different topic.
If the Eeyore Vampire is complaining about the boss, interrupt and say, “Hey! Who watched the Sunday night game? Was that a thriller or what?” You stop the negative conversation and suddenly change it to another thread. You draw a boundary that says, “This far and no more. Your negativity isn’t welcome here.”
Reframe like a Frankenstein
What do you do if you Jekyll-and-Hyde the Eeyore Vampire’s conversation and it doesn’t work? You Frankenstein it.
Frankenstein’s monster was sewn and bolted together from different parts, reframed into one person from several. Frankenstein the Eeyore Vampire’s conversation and reframe it.
Let’s say he’s still criticizing the company owner. Reframe the conversation by saying something like, “Well, Mr. X can improve his management skills, but last week, my payroll check cleared the bank. What about yours?”
Same conversation subject. Reverse the lightening’s polarity from “negative” to “positive.” Shine a light so bright on the company culture that it comes alive (“Master”).
And yes, it’s “Fronkensteen.” (Mel Brooks)
Remove like a Zombie
First you Jekyll-and-Hyde an Eeyore Vampire’s conversation by redirecting it. If it fails, then you Frankenstein it by reframing it. If the negative person persists in the conversation, it’s time for drastic measures. You play the Zombie.
No, you don’t bite them. After all, they’re Eeyore VAMPIRES. They bite back.
You choose to thrive at work and declare yourself dead to the Eeyore Vampire.
You no longer give any time, energy, or attention to the Eeyore Vampire. You avoid any conversation beyond “Hello.” You remove yourself from their presence every day.
Like they have a contagion.
Because they do.
Cold? Perhaps.
But better than the negativity of such horror stories bouncing around your mind, interfering when you’re taking your own children trick or treating or passing out candy at the front door on Halloween night.
Or trying to go to sleep on any Sunday night, dreading Monday.
Choose to slow your pulse rate, squirt oxytocin instead of cortisol in your brain, and settle your stomach down on Sunday nights.
Deal with Eeyore Vampires at work with these three no-trick, treat-only tactics:
- Redirect like Jekyll and Hyde,
- Reframe like Frankenstein, and
- Remove like a Zombie.
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