Tap the Positive Power of Partnering
Jul 21, 2024
I made a New Year’s resolution one year to start exercising regularly. I did pretty well at first, going often to the fitness center and really enjoying the time and feeling better. After a while though I noticed my enthusiasm waning. I had more excuses not to go and I let them get in the way.
Sound familiar?
I knew I needed a partner—someone to hold me accountable, committed to our mutual success, and who brings out the best in me. Our younger daughter became my partner. She helped me push away from my desk and get up and do what I intended.
Do you try to go it alone at work? You might do pretty well at first. After a while though, you find excuses not to do what you want to do at work.
Who is someone with whom you can partner? A teammate who will put just enough pressure on you to bring out the best in you?
Here are the three key characteristics your partner must have for you to get to where you want to be at work.
A rubber band has a shape of its own. It just lays there in the palm of your hand without any obvious use. Put a little pressure on it, it changes shape, and suddenly is very usable for a variety of purposes.
Accountability is the pressure your partner puts on you to move beyond your current work practices to ones that are more purposeful. You shift your shape towards more productivity.
Mutual Benefit
I bought a bird feeder that promised to be squirrel proof. A counterweight system closed the gate on the bird seed slots when a squirrel sat on the perch. It worked…until one day I watched as a squirrel ate eagerly from the perch while another squirrel sat on the counterweight. Then they switched places.
Now if squirrels can enjoy a work culture that supports mutual benefit, you can find a partner with whom to enjoy a similar relationship.
Insure that your partner is committed to mutual success.
Brings Out the Best
You look brighter, act sharper, and move more effectively to get things done when you are around some people. You’re at your best.
Who brings out the best in you? Whether it’s offering you words of encouragement, helping you assess a situation, or doing some heavy lifting, your partner must be that person with whom you reach higher, accomplish more, and achieve greatness.
You develop well and grow more efficient regardless of how talented or skilled you are when you partner at work.
Tap the positive power of partnering in your work culture.
Find a Work Positive Dream Teammate with whom you:
- share accountability
- a commitment to mutual benefit, and;
- who brings out the best in you.
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