Work Positive Like The Beatles

#culturecounts #humanresources #positiveworkculture #shrm #thebeatles #workpositive Jun 09, 2024

The world still loves the music of The Beatles sixty years later. They’ve sold over 600 million albums internationally with 21 songs going #1 on the U.S. Billboard charts, the most of any band.

So how did The Beatles achieve such amazing results?

And what can you learn from them to discover your positive work culture?

Here is how The Beatles grew their work culture through the lens of the five Work Positive culture core practices:


The Fab Four grew up in Liverpool, England during the dark days of World War II bombing. Their hometown was basically destroyed.

Yet listen to their music. It’s up-tempo, joyous, even happy. They were charming and positive.

The Beatles focused themselves mentally on the positive and filtered out the negative.

Waiting for the world to turn positive to improve your work is a fantasy tomorrow. Redefine your reality today. Find something positive about your work and focus on it. 


On January 1, 1962, The Beatles auditioned for Dick Rowe, a Decca Records executive. His response was classic Eeyore Vampire: “Guitar music is on the way out.”

The Beatles avoided listening to this one response and invested their social energy into creating arguably one of the best song-writing duos ever—John Lennon and Paul McCartney. They partnered with producer George Martin, manager Brian Epstein, and publicist Derek Taylor, thus forming a Work Positive Dream Team.

Who is on your Work Positive Dream Team? Refrain from partnering with Eeyore Vampires. Instead put your heart and soul into positive relationships with positive people who touch your work. 


In addition to the infectious melodies Lennon-McCartney wrote, their lyrics were authentic. They spoke to our world then and still do 60 years later with a sincerity that captures us. 

Many musicians discover such a powerful combination of music and lyrics and their music becomes formulaic. The Beatles avoided such creative stifling. Their continuous innovation generated an imaginative musical journey from Love, Love Me Do to Let It Be and St. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. They constantly learned and improved their musical character.

How does your work culture innovate and respond to an ever-changing market?

Build authenticity into your products and services. Keep them real to your work relationships. Then imagine improving them. 


The Beatles focused their attention mentally on positive thoughts and socially on positive people. They stated their intentions from their positive emotional engagement with their music.

Then they acted on their attention and intention physically. They performed in small clubs for years until their big opportunity appeared. They continued to act positively, playing The Ed Sullivan Show and the Hollywood Bowl. They persevered through all of the cultural changes.

You must keep going like The Beatles to succeed at work. Expect adversity. Anticipate a negative world. Persist in acting on your positive-focused attention and intention.


Today a musician puts up a YouTube video in hopes of becoming a celebrity. When such celebrity status pursued them, The Beatles became rather reclusive, focusing instead on creating great music.

They gifted us with Hey Jude as we struggled to understand what the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and M.L. King, Jr. and what the Vietnam War meant. They refocused us from crumbling trust in the U.S. Presidency with Yellow Submarine. The Beatles served as our positive thermostats in a negative world.

How does your work gift those who keep your lights on? Create an exceptional work culture as you say “Thank You” and positively serve others.

The Beatles’ Work Positive influence plays clearly even today after 60 years.

Grow people and profits through your work culture as you follow their example.

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