Michael Gilpin
Align Culture. Retain Employees

Michael Gilpin
Show Notes
Do your teams find purpose and motivation that moves them beyond just showing up for a job every day?Â
Just in case they—and you—don’t, Dr. Joey’s guest on this episode of the Work Positive podcast can help. Michael Gilpin and his wife along with his parents intentionally started a business with a purposeful, motivating culture.
He calls this culture, We Before Me.
Michael is a Fast Signs franchisee in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Think of this episode as a field report on how to create a positive work culture and wildly succeed. Listen and discover ways to:Â
🌞 value team members more than their output and foster a supportive culture.Â
🌞 align new hires with company values for better retention.
🌞 engage and develop employees through feedback.
Visit website: https://thewebeforemeteam.com/product/we-before-me-book-by-michael-gilpin/
Order book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/We-Before-Me-Building-Greater/dp/B0BMW8K2F8/
Tired of negative work conversations?
Get positive with the free course, Something to Talk About from Dr. Joey Faucette: https://www.workpositive.today/somethingtotalkabout.
Get in touch with Dr. Joey at www.workpositive.today
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd1x1Sh3zPnz49lQ2MX68Zw
Michael Gilpin
Author | We Before Me: Building a Team Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts
I was born and raised in West Michigan followed by going to college at Miami University in Oxford, OH. It was at Miami University that I met my amazing, beautiful, loving wife Erin. After a short stop in my home town we ventured out to Allentown, PA as part of my career. While we were loving it out there, great careers, incredible friends, fantastic church and a kid on the way, we made the crazy decision to head back to Grand Rapids, MI to start up a family business with my parents.
The creation of this business had a focus of creating a unique culture that would empower team members, go above and beyond for customers and give back to the community. We opened our doors in 2005 and are happy to report it has been a success.
We have an incredibly strong team with various backgrounds that have come together to continually support each other and push each other to be our best selves. Our sales, design, production, administration, installation and delivery team members pull together to provide a great experience for our customers. The collective efforts make it all possible and extremely special!
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