Steve Browne
How to Build a People-First Culture

Steve Browne
Show Notes
If I survey the people you work with, what would they say about you when I ask this question: Does (insert your name here) value the people they work with? How do you know?”
Now you might say, “Sure I value the people I work with.” But how can they tell?
Steve Browne is Dr. Joey’s guest on this episode of the Work Positive podcast. He’s known as one who sees and shows the value of people. He’s a storyteller who brings life to work. By day, he’s the Chief People Officer for LaRosa’s, a restaurant chain in Ohio and Indiana with 11 locations. By night, he’s the author of HR Unleashed!!, HR Rising!!, and HR on Purpose!! If you’ve been to a SHRM meeting lately, you know Steve Browne!
Steve and Dr. Joey talk about how to show you value people and the hallmark characteristics of companies that do. Some of these qualities are:
☀️ open communication, respect, and guest care are more than talked about and instead actively practiced daily.
☀️ coaching employees and focusing on their strengths, which develops consistency in the company's culture.
☀️ treating employees with respect and dignity which creates a positive work culture.
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Steve Browne
Author | HR on Purpose: Developing Deliberate People Passion
Steve Browne, SHRM-SCP, is chief people officer for LaRosa's Inc., a restaurant chain in Ohio and Indiana with 11 locations. The author of HR Unleashed!! (SHRM, 2023), HR Rising!! (SHRM, 2020) and HR on Purpose!!
Steve Browne is a senior HR executive who takes a different perspective towards Human Resources. He sees, and shows, the value of people in his approach to HR. He's a storyteller who brings life to the workplace. He's also an HR hippie with an affinity for rock music, tie-dye, lava lamps and llamas.
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