Team relationships are among the most important assets the company you work for possesses. Easy to understand and take care of, right?
As I travel, I encounter a great deal of culture...
I was asked the same two questions in two different Work Positive coaching conversations: “How do you do everything you do?” and “Who is the ‘we’ you keep referring...
I walk in and out of our home’s backdoor daily. Evidently, I don’t really look at it.
For no real reason, I noticed how dirty the glass was in this door. It was like I saw it for...
Welcome to the 2024 Election—the Year of Negativity.
Like the weather, everyone’s talking about it, and no one is doing anything about it.
It does have a negative effect on your...
I noticed while watching a track meet on TV that the announcers analyzed most of the shorter races by talking about the runner’s start. “She got off to a great start” or “He...
I made a New Year’s resolution one year to start exercising regularly. I did pretty well at first, going often to the fitness center and really enjoying the time and feeling better. After a...
The All Stars for the National and American League All-Star Major League baseball teams play every summer.
What can you learn from them about how you can be a Positive Work Culture All-Star?
Nearly all of the trees on our farm had dropped their leaves one fall except for one maple tree. This one maple tree held on to its leaves like a kid hanging on to his blanket when Mom says it has...
We Americans celebrate Independence Day this week. In the U.S., we think of it as the birth of our country.
You may have birthed your own business by declaring your independence from working for...
Even if you’re not a football fan, you watch the Super Bowl for the commercials or to see the halftime performance, right?
Most of the hype before the Super Bowl focuses on a few star...
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