My Grandfather told me stories of getting up at 4:30 a.m. to bring in the wood, put it in the cook stove, and light the fire so his mother could prepare breakfast. A sister gathered eggs in the dark. ...
Interruptions intrude every single day at work.
At least they do for me. What about you?
They’re uninvited, unexpected, and un
Research indicates that it takes you anywhere from 10-20 minutes to re...
I was lying flat on my back in the grassy outfield, trying to come around. I had drifted back from my third-base position for the Little League team White Sox into shallow left field to catch a fly ba...
Heard anybody say lately, “Where did 2023 go?”
Maybe you said it.
Yes, the final quarter of 2023 starts next week.
The question behind the question is, “How do we have a successful 4th quarter?”
Ever notice that the last words of a conversation are the ones you remember? For example, the last sentence your spouse says in the morning as you walk out the door. The concluding words of a team mee...
You’re in a Zoom meeting. Your phone buzzes. Do you read the Caller ID and decide about answering?
You’re working on your computer on an important project. Is your e-mail open, set on automatic?
I watched a track meet and listened as the announcers analyzed most of the shorter races by talking about the runner’s start. “She got off to a great start” or “He had a lot of ground to make up from ...
I really enjoy feeding birds on our farm. The problem is that squirrels love bird seed, too.
I waged war on the bird-seed-stealing squirrels one winter. I borrowed an air rifle and looked for the squi...
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