3 Keys to Positive Productivity Today #culturecounts #howtodealwithbadnews #howtodealwithnegativepeople #humanresources #positiveworkculture #productivity #shrm #workpositive Apr 21, 2024

Is it more difficult for you to work productively these days?

There’s a lot going on that shapes your work culture. The long shadow of the pandemic still influences our behavior with negative...

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3 Ways to Do the Right Thing at Work #culturecounts #dotherightthing #humanresources #positiveworkculture #shrm #workpositive Apr 14, 2024

Seven-year-old Ransom Duel noticed his classmate choking after eating a bite of a Nutella sandwich. Ransom picked up the jar, read “hazelnuts,” and knowing that his friend has an...

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3 Positive Ways to Deal with the Negative World #culturecounts #humanresources #positiveworkculture #shrm #workpositive Apr 07, 2024

Cargo ships crash into bridges.

Shootings invade our “safe” schools.

And as if this weren’t enough, it’s an election year.

This kind of overwhelming negativity spirals us...

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3 Strategies to Engage Teams #culturecounts #employeeengagement #humanresources #increaseengagement #positiveworkculture #shrm #teamengagement #workpositive Mar 31, 2024

Is “What have you done for me lately?” the employee attitude du jour where you work?

And by “lately,” do they mean very recently? As in today?

Team engagement—from...

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The One Thing You Must Do When the Deck is Stacked #culturetransformation #humanresources #positiveworkculture #shrm #workpositive Mar 24, 2024

The deck was stacked against me that morning before I even started work…

I moved our daughter over the weekend which involved driving a truck and trailer for 17 hours, lifting more stuff...

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3 Ways to Win the Culture Super Bowl #humanresources #positiveworkculture #shrm #superbowllviii #teamwork #workpositive Feb 05, 2024

Even if you’re not a football fan, you watch the Super Bowl for the commercials or to see the halftime performance, right?

Most of the hype before the Super Bowl focuses on a few star...

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3 Simple Beliefs that Foster a Positive Work Culture #corevalues #culturecounts #emotionalintelligence #humanresources #positiveworkculture #workpositive Jan 28, 2024

What do you believe about your work as you begin a New Year? 

Your work beliefs are the core values of “how” you work. They shape the culture regardless of whether they’re...

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself Daily #entrepreneurship #greatdepressionlessons #hiring #humanresources #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #positiveworkculture #workpositive Jan 21, 2024

While studying Great Depression businesses created by successful entrepreneurs, I discovered five core practices that were sets of daily habits for them. These five core practices are the heart and...

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S.W.A.P. Your Resolution to Work Positive #culturecounts #humanresources #newyearsresolution #positiveworkculture #shrm #workpositive Jan 14, 2024

How’s your New Year’s resolution working out?

Willpower tapping out?


How would you like to S.W.A.P. your resolution for something more successful? Something that builds a more...

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4 Questions to Attract Your Dream Team #hiring #humanresources #recruitment #talentattraction #teambuilding #teamproductivity #workculture #workpositive Jan 07, 2024

It begins with something like, “She’s just not working out…” and wraps up with “It’s just hard to find the right person today.”

Whether you’re a...

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Yes, Itā€™s Really That Simple #culturecounts #customerservice #holidaygiving #positiveworkculture #randomactsofkindness #workpositive Dec 24, 2023

You’ve read story after story of random acts of kindness. The person at the drive-thru window who pays for the coffee of the person behind them, who then pays for the coffee of the next...

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3 Ways Positive Work Cultures Respond in a Crisis #crisisresponse #culturecounts #workculture #workpositive Dec 10, 2023

The attention of the community in which I live was riveted by an apartment fire that affected a lot of lives. The cause is a mystery.

One family’s dog escaped and ran away. News outlets and...

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