Coaching HR leaders and small business owners this month revealed a couple of types of responses to the holiday/end-of-year crush:
- “This could not have come at a worse time!”
- “Things are slowing d ...
Announcements of holiday parties are met with either go-for-it’s or groans.
The go-for-it’s are the ones who enjoyed last year’s party or just look forward to any social experience.
The groans are ...
Ever worked in a company culture that goes to war on just about anything?
I encourage my coaching clients to bring “hot and now” topics to sessions in addition to their leadership development goals. ...
Last week, I listened to a couple of my favorite podcasts driving to do an onsite with a client company. Too close to start a third one, I switched over to local radio stations and scanned channels. A...
When my younger brother and I went trick-or-treating as kids at Halloween, he was scared of ghosts. When he was very young, he had eye surgery a couple of times. All of the OR people wore white. He as...
I was lying flat on my back in the grassy outfield, trying to come around. I had drifted back from my third-base position for the Little League team White Sox into shallow left field to catch a fly ba...
Days are getting shorter. It’s dark when I wake up and gets dark earlier in the evening. The temperatures are cooler in the mornings. The leaves are transitioning in my neck of the woods.
The seasons...
Most studies find one benefit of a positive work culture is an increase in productivity of around 30%.
You discovered your productivity trigger last week.
Let’s increase productivity again this week...
My Grandfather told me stories of getting up at 4:30 a.m. to bring in the wood, put it in the cook stove, and light the fire so his mother could prepare breakfast. A sister gathered eggs laid by the h...
You know a positive work culture grows people and profits. You’ve read the studies that indicate the average results:
- Productivity increases by 30%
- Operating income grows 19%
- Revenue goes up 28% ...
Team relationships are among the most important assets the company you work for possesses. Easy to understand and take care of, right?
As I travel, I encounter a great deal of culture express...
I was asked the same two questions in two different Work Positive coaching conversations: “How do you do everything you do?” and “Who is the ‘we’ you keep referring to?”
Both questions are about prod...
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