How many times have you heard, “Do what you love and love what you do and you’ll never work another day in your life?”
Sounds great, right?
There’s some great truth in that statement.
Who doesn’t w...
Even if you’re not a football fan, you watch the Super Bowl for the commercials or to see the halftime performance, right?
Most of the hype before the Super Bowl focuses on a few star players, usuall...
What do you believe about your work as you begin a New Year?Â
Your work beliefs are the core values of “how” you work. They shape the culture regardless of whether they’re declared or not.
Culture i...
While studying Great Depression businesses created by successful entrepreneurs, I discovered five core practices that were sets of daily habits for them. These five core practices are the heart and so...
How’s your New Year’s resolution working out?
Willpower tapping out?
How would you like to S.W.A.P. your resolution for something more successful? Something that builds a more positive wor...
It begins with something like, “She’s just not working out…” and wraps up with “It’s just hard to find the right person today.”
Whether you’re a small business owner or a C-Level Executive of a Fortu...
When NASA took on the challenge of putting a person on the moon, they didn’t start with “now” and work forward, they started with “then”—the day they wanted to land on the moon—July 20, 1969, when the...
You’ve read story after story of random acts of kindness. The person at the drive-thru window who pays for the coffee of the person behind them, who then pays for the coffee of the next person, and so...
According to a survey conducted by Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey School of Business, about half of all American households experience customer service-related problems. Over two-thirds of thos...
The attention of the community in which I live was riveted by an apartment fire that affected a lot of lives. The cause is a mystery.
One family’s dog escaped and ran away. News outlets and Facebook ...
Announcements of office parties are met with either go-for-it’s or groans.
The go-for-it’s are the ones who enjoyed last year’s party or just look forward to any social experience.
The groans are th...
Is it just me, or did you also notice that the holiday decorations and advertising started earlier this year? Like before Halloween?
My first reaction was like one of those cartoon characters who get...
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